Friday, August 14, 2009


Welcome to my first-ever Blog!

This is a place where I intend to update anyone interested on my travels in West Africa for the next 8 months.
I will have sporadic access to the internet, so I figured blogging would be easier and more efficient than trying to remember to stay in touch with everyone individually.

I leave on the 28th - wish me luck!

Lots of love.


  1. Hi Claire

    Crazy fall here with the hunt, the recession etc..but when I say recession I guess you would laugh considering what you see on a daily basis.
    You have been travelling as well, fighting crocodiles and tuning up the Prof's....good for you on all accounts. Just for some insight...sometimes people may not concede their point...but often they consider your points where you may not realize they do!
    In any case, good to tell it the way it is!
    I have some pics from the hunt but I guess I can't get them to you without you having email access. Maybe just as well, because my hair looks like crap and I am not my cute as button self LOL.
    Great that you had access to the meds and got rid of the the sound of things you have been very lucky in all.
    Julie and I are heading up to Huntsville on Friday to get the heat set for the winter.
    Michael & his girlfriend Krystal are buying a bulldog puppy today and have named it Lucy. it is pure white with no markings. When the kids were small and we bought them our bulldog at the time Michael saw a white one called Marshmallow and was hooked.
    We may pop over there later today to see the bully.
    Just thought I would check in and send you some news.
    I guess Tamale is one of many places you will get to see? Good luck with the snickers and be safe.
    Party Marty
