Sunday, August 30, 2009


I am finally in Accra. I am in an internet cafe on campus typing this to you. We reached Accra last night where our co-ordinator picked us up and brought us to the campus chalets. They are very nice with two beds a room and wonderful and nice people feed us delicious food. This morning we toured campus, feeling a little strange because we are a big group of white people that are clearly unfamiliar with the area, but it will come with time. It is not unbelievably hot here because the rainy season is ending, so it is overcast and really humid and slightly breezey. Overall very good weather considering I was expecting to be totally cooked at first. All this week we are learning about the area, languages, and finding out where our homestays are and how to navigate local transit. The food so far has been really great, and I have been drinking bottled water exclusively as it is very cheap. I have had no side effects yet from the malaria medication I am taking so that is a relief, but my roomate has had a migrain since we got off the plane. I am quickly learning patience as we have had to wait for everything so far, and really it's not that bad. Everything works out eventually. RIght now since it's sunday most things are closed (and everyone looks reaaally good) but early this week I will be buying a cell phone and it is cheap to call Canada so hopefully you'll be hearing my voice.

I hope this email finds you all well.

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