Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bring On February

This month, like those past, has gone by very fast indeed. I have spent most of my time editing the book by my boss is attempting to get published - his life and times as a gay, Christian man in Ghana. It is both heart-wrenching and hopeful, and I have learned so much already from his experiences. Chris and I have made some realizations about the neighbourhood we live in: that it is too isolated and too unsafe. We are starting the stressful process of trying to get refunded and find a new, safer place but everything here takes a long time to come to fruition.

A big part of what has made up my happiness this month has been our kitchen. I have been cooking up a storm and experimenting with Ghanaian ingredients - such as fresh plantains - and I'll be so sad if we move to a place with a less accessible kitchen. This is likely considering this is the first time all year I've had a working fridge.

There's not really much to update right now, still very hot, still going to work, still living with Chris and having lots of good times.


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