Sunday, October 11, 2009

Assignments and the Like

It's been a while since Elmina Castle - the days are flying by. It's hard to believe at home Thanksgiving and partridge hunting is happening, along with the changing of the seasons. Here the only change is that it has gotten hotter and more humid, and not a second goes by that I'm not sweating so hard the back of my shirt could be wrung out. We have three assignments due this week and an enormous amount of readings, but it's not really that bad because after October we pretty much are done with academic assignments.
It's hard to concentrate in school when it's so hot. In Canada I have never had formal education during the hot months so I inevitably associate hot weather with relaxing or doing non-academic work. It's just a mind thing that I've had to overcome but at least now I know I can study under any conditions (even beneath a slow moving ceiling fan, or during 35 degree heat and a power outage).
I bought a guitar! So exciting! I was wilting without one, I feel sort of lost when I'm not making music. I had to walk in circles and bribe a school girl and haggle with a Ghanaian gentleman, but I finally got a capo and a guitar for about 50 Canadian dollars. No tuners in sight but luckily the top string was in tune so I could do the rest by ear. It's not perfect but it's certainly blissful.
If by some miracle it makes it back to Canada with me it will be my first very own guitar. I'm not sure about it's travelling abilities though, the case is about as protective as wrapping it in kleenex. We'll see in April.
I am writing a paper about sustainable livelihoods and access. It's going alright but I have to get back at it.
All for now.
Claire xo

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