Saturday, October 3, 2009

An Experience of Humility

Yesterday our group took a field trip to Elmina Castle - the slave castle the stands in Cape Coast. It was the most intense experience I have had in Ghana yet. I wanted to cry the whole time but I didn't because I wasn't sure if they were my tears to shed. I also just read "The Book of Negroes" which happened to be about the slave trade in the 18th century from the Gold Coast to the US so it was all just too surreal. You could feel the evil that lay in the air of that place, it gave me goosebumps. It occurred to me that as white people, we were lucky to even be allowed into the castle to learn about history. I also wondered how much blood was beneath the white paint, considering 8 million African people died there or on the ship to America. The ocean is beautiful, but as I was looking out at it I could only imagine it as a large, unmarked grave. It has swallowed so many individuals quietly, only a few hundred years ago.

I learned a lot through the silent tour that we took. I remembered why I am here and why I am in International Development Studies. There's nothing I can do with the knowledge that I acquire here except mourn the past and do what I can about the present.

We were all so tired after the trip we fell asleep without brushing our teeth. I would recommend the Book of Negroes to anyone who will listen - it is remarkable and tragic and informative.


  1. Claire---I can sense the horror of the slave castle/prison from your description. Beauty and evil together--such a common trait in human history.

  2. Hi Claire, I am trying to send you a message from my Mom, Betty Burgess. She wants you to know that she is reading your blog faithfully; however, today's is very moving and made me thankful for the life we lead.
    ps. sure glad you got a new wedding ring. no more pinching bums:)lots of love, Betty and Peeve

  3. Claire, I am doing this myself this time. How about that - I'm not too old to learn new tricks. Love, Boop No.2

  4. Thanks for this moving description, Claire. Since reading it, I've looked up some information on Elmina Castle, as I knew nothing about it. Wow...

    Love you lots and keep up the good work! Miss you lots and think of you often!

    Love, Aunt Frantic

  5. I'm glad it reminded you why you're doing what you're doing. Affirmation is an important thing.
