Friday, December 18, 2009


So I packed up all my stuff, having to leave behind (very regretfully) my steam iron, my laundry basket, and my flip flops. So now I am wrinkly and washing in my bare feet, but I thought I was going to dislocate at least one of my shoulders as it was carrying all of my stuff around Tamale. I got on a bus and went to Kintampo, visited my new friend Rohini and saw waterfalls and met other new friends. I got on another bus yesterday at 9:30am, and got to Accra at 9pm. The distance is about 300km maybe? And it took Twelve Hours. The traffic is ridiculous coming into Accra; it took us 2 and a half hours to drive 27km. The roads are also in horrendous condition slowing down the drive so, so much. It was so good to see my homestay family again and meet my Auntie's children and grandchild. They were hospitable as always and are letting me keep my stuff at their place while I travel. Tomorrow I leave for Portugal for a week, come backon the 27th, will probably hang out with my Ghanaian friend Collins in his village for New Years, and then begin my last four months in Ghana. Time is flying.



  1. Have a great time in Portugal, Claire! Safe travels!!

    Love, Aunt Frantic

  2. I can just picture the bus and roads. Snowing lightly here in Toronto. Kendall comes home Sunday from Lethbridge for the Chistmas holidays---Marty next Wednesday. We hope to be at Round lake for Christmas and hopefully see your folks. We just returned from South Carolina---just another world compared to yours. Have a great time in Portugal.
