Thursday, December 3, 2009


Ghana gained its independence in 1957, Nkrumah being its president at the time. Padraic requested I blog a bit about politics so here it is.

Ghana is predominantly Christian and Muslim, and it has had exclusively Christian presidents despite the huge Muslim population. Padraic's question was whether people tend to vote along religious lines or not, so I talked to my landlord. He said that people vote along "tribal" lines, meaning that depending which cultural grouping they are from (Ashante, Akan, etc) they vote for a certain person. The way he described it kind of sounded like the way people who are running for Presidency in the US go around campaigning, winning over one state at a time. Presidents who have the majority of the regions on their side will win. The current President is John Atta Mills.

More on this later.

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