Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Peeling Sunburns

Today I finally went back to school after a really brutal two day period of expelling fluids from my body because my whole goup got food poinsoning (strange considering...we don't all eat the same food at the same places). I went back to school and am learning African history and Ghanain history. Right now I'm typing this in my house! Which is amazing - somehow our homestay family has 5 Dell computers and we buy a little card that puts hours on the computer so we can use internet. We're super lucky - we're the only people that have internet or a plethora of computers at our house. Tomorrow some of my friends and I are venturing to the creepily huge and western mall, inside of which is a movie theatre. We're going to see Harry Potter...hopefully it won't be like the soccer game where I shared my seat with my friend, two men and a young child.
Things are looking up. Life doesn't seem to bad when you can finally go ten steps without needing a bathroom, especially in a city where bathrooms are very, very rare.
I'm rapidly applying sunscreen but I don't think I'm fast enough. I feel like if I spend more than 3 minutes in the Accra sun I instantly turn red. As if I don't turn enough heads as it is.
Send me lots of mundane details about your life please! Eveyone. I love hearing stories from home. I basically spend my time here reading my book (midnight's children), laying under a fan, sleeping, and riding tro tros. Well, other than being at school and studying of course. I'm excited because this saturday we are going on a day trip to the eastern region where we will see a cocoa farm (ghana is the world's....second largest exporter I believe?) and huge waterfalls. We have to leave super early because city traffic is like nothing you have ever seen.

Ta ta

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