Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Water Sachets

Water Sachets are bags of water we drink on the regular because bottled water $ can add up. They are like a ziploc bag with no zipper - you rip the corner with your teeth (sorry mom, I know you said to never do that 'cuz the braces) and then suck out the 500mL. It's pretty safe and gets the job done. School is extremely hard and consumes my life. We get up take the x2 tro tro ride from hell to school (although this is getting much easier) and then get schooled for 4 hours or sometimes 5 1/2 and then go home. I think you all should google tro tro because...I'm really not doing them justice. Last night we went out for PIZZA and it was AMAZING. The food here I find kind of hard, basically it's just a chore of not being hungry. I never know where to buy food that is safe, as I can't tell the difference between sketchy and reasonable. But I'm sure that will come with time.
The things I miss most are surprising:
- underwear (American Eagle size M if you're interested and feeling generous...)
- skinny jeans
- hipsters in general
- my guitar
- swearing
- regulated transportation
- running water
- chewing my food rather than just swallowing
- mint gum

That's pretty much it. All the rest of the stuff I can pretty much laugh at. Like only ever being 70% sure I'm in the right tro tro. Julie and I have a good time, we crack each other up. I am so so happy that we are super compatible roommates or else things would be just too hard. I play a lot cell phone games - suduko etc, and read a lot. I'm hoping I don't run out of books but it appears to be inevitable. I'm getting way better at washing my clothes homestay fam still laughs at me trying to ring out my jean shorts.
Now that I've conquered ecoli in my first week in Ghana I feel like I can pretty much do everything. Life is good.
Oh also, I've upgraded my wedding ring since a guy chased me down the street pinching my bum until another dude ran after that guy and beat him into the street (isolated incident). It's pink with gigantic fake jewels...I flaunt it well I think. Although due to a huge lack of sodium and salt my fingers have become really skinny and sometimes it falls off.
September is going by fast....I can't believe it's the 16th already.
When Julie and I have bad days she reads out a quote from her quote book to calm us. We're getting back into pushups tonight hopefully as the sickness def slowed down our bicep growth.
I'm appreciating in a big big way all the love and support I'm receiving from Canada. It's making me sincerely appreciate my friends and family in ways that I never have before.
Love love love


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